Welcome Back!

lovesnowbirdsWe’d like to say “Hello, and Welcome Back” to our seasonal members who are arriving in Naples and returning to their seasonal homes. We hope you will announce your arrival on the club net held every Wednesday at 8:00 PM on the club repeater WB2QLP, 146.67 (-) 136.5PL. (It’s easy for you to stay in touch with your friends up north via Echolink – our node number is 389568.) Also, our club continues to meet monthly every 4th Tuesday at the American Red Cross building – see below for details. We have some interesting things happening soon, including the annual meeting and Christmas Party on Saturday, December 7th, starting at 6:00 PM, at the Royal Wood Country Club. This is a great opportunity to show your support of your club, meet the new officers and directors for 2014, and renew old acquaintances. See below for additional information.