The ARASWF 2-meter FM repeater outputs on 146.670 MHz
with a (-) 600 kHz split and requires a PL tone of 136.5 Hz.

It is located approximately 200-feet high at the north end of Pelican Bay, is connected to the building emergency power generator,
and is operational 24-hours a day.




The repeater equipment includes a Yaesu DR-1X repeater operating with a 250 watt amplifier in a fixed analog mode. Output is fed through a 4-cavity duplexer to a Telewave 150D3 antenna, there is a separate antenna for receiving.





EchoLink is connected to the repeater via a remote RF Link.


Call Sign

Until early 2008, the call sign of the club repeater was K4YHB. Upon the passing of our friend and ARASWF life member Jordan Mash, WB2QLP, the club unanimously voted to adopt Jordan’s call sign In Memoriam, and WB2QLP officially became the club call sign on May 28, 2008.
Jordan is pictured below, so we will never forget him and the many, many contributions he made to ARASWF, and the amateur radio community. He is sorely missed by all who knew him.


WB2QLP trustee – NC2H