Where The Hams Live

Where The Hams Live

Click on the following links to view the available maps.  The maps are static, updates will come as time allows.  There are no clubs or repeaters on the maps and no plans to do so.

Where The Hams Live – FL Zip 331,2,3,4,5xxx

Where The Hams Live – FL Zip 336,7,8,9,0xxx

Where The Hams Live – FL Zip 34xxx

Where The Hams Live – NJ Zip 08xxx


1. If you’re not on the map, and you think you should be, check your address in the FCC ULS database (click on the FCC image).

2. If you’re on the map in the wrong place, check your address in the FCC ULS database (click on the FCC image).

3. If your address is correct in the FCC ULS database, and your marker is in the wrong place, it is likely Google Maps has your address location wrong.

4. If two or more hams have the same street address, they will appear on top of each other, this is the way Google Maps does it.

5.  There is a limitation of 10,000 markers per map, 2,000 per group, this is a Google Maps limitation.